Directed the movie “Dark Matter Halo, where raise Galaxies”
Directed the movie titled “Dark Matter Halo, where raise Galaxies” for the series of Monthly JICFuS. The last edition was supposed to be the last, but the series was unexpectedly well received and it was decided to continue.
This time, we focus on Taira Ohki, who is exploring the origins of the dark matter halo and eventually the evolution of the universe, using cosmological N-body simulations at the Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe at the University of Tokyo.
[Movie Info]
Location: Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe at the University of Tokyo
Music: “cradle” by YOSHIOKA Ayumi
Directed by Yuichi Minamiguchi
Monthly JICFuS” is a web magazine published by JICFuS (Joint Institute for Computational Fundamental Science), a research organisation jointly established by the University of Tsukuba’s Research Centre for Computational Science, the High Energy Accelerator Research Organisation and the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan.