26 Feb, 2024

Directed science movie “Supporting Quantum Computers through Simulation”

We have produced a video featuring quantum computers, which are a hot topic these days. Featured in the film is Dr Tomonori Shirakawa of RIKEN, who is developing and researching simulations for quantum computers. Dr Shirakawa is using the supercomputer Fugaku to develop simulations to verify whether quantum computers are working correctly.

What is surprising here is that people working on quantum computers refer to ‘Fugaku’ as a ‘classical computer’. I couldn’t help but feel a sense of the impermanence of the world when even the fastest supercomputer in Japan becomes ‘classical’ rather than super in front of the quantum computer.

This time, I also had the opportunity to film RIKEN’s quantum computer “A”, which has just started operation in 2023. The temperature inside the cylinder-shaped enclosure is kept at absolute zero, and the compressor noise to maintain the temperature inside the computer room was constantly echoing. We have filmed many supercomputers in the past, but the quantum computer was different from conventional computers in terms of its appearance, internal structure and calculation principles.

In this film, we hope you can see some of the differences between quantum computers and conventional computers, what the principles of quantum computer computation are and what they can do. Please have a look if you like.

[movie credits]
Navigator: Tomonori Shirakawa, RIKEN R-CCS
Thanks to: RIKEN & RIKEN Center for Computational Science

Camera by Yuichi Minamiguchi & Motoki Kato
Music by Ayumi Yoshioka “Under Construction”
Directed by Yuichi Minamiguchi





ナビゲーター:白川知功(理化学研究所 計算科学研究センター〈R-CCS〉)
音楽:「Under Construction」吉岡亜由美

31 Jan, 2024

Produced animation works for Yuichi Higashionna’s exhibition at void+

Yuichi Higashionna‘s spatial works can be seen at void+ in Minami Aoyama. Three animation works produced by our studio are also on display at the venue. All are animation works inspired by Andersen’s fairy tale The Girl Selling Matches. Although the exhibition space is small, the spatial works, which have been shown in various locations in recent years, are presented in a different light.

[Exhibition Info]

date: January 19 – February 12, 2024

venue: void+, Tokyo

All Animation sounds are designed by Ayumi Yoshioka

All Animation works are edited by Yuichi Minamiguchi



於:void+, 東京都港区南青山3丁目16-14, 1F

期間:2024年1月19日(金)~2 月12日(月)



09 Jan, 2024

Produced animation works for Yuichi Higashionna’s exhibition “behind the drapes”

Yuichi Higashionna‘s exhibition ‘behind the drapes‘ featured the animation work ‘Little Match Girl: Stripe & Text ver.’ produced by our studio, and ‘Little Match Girl: Ebisu ver.“, which was exhibited at AL Tokyo in Ebisu in 2022. In addition, an essay on the exhibition by critic Minoru Shimizu is published in ICA Kyoto. Please read it too, if you like.

The venue was The Third Gallery Aya in Osaka. The gallery used to deal mostly with photographic artists, but has recently started to exhibit contemporary art. The gallery is also close to the National Museum of Art, Osaka and the recently opened Nakanoshima Art Museum, making it an area where art can be carefully enjoyed.

[Exhibition Info]

date: November 25 – December 23, 2023

venue: The Third Gallery Aya, Osaka

behind the drapes

All Animation sounds are designed by Ayumi Yoshioka

All Animation works are edited by Yuichi Minamiguchi

東恩納裕一氏の展覧会「behind the drapes」において、当スタジオで制作しましたアニメーション作品「Little Match Girl :Stripe & Text ver.」そして2022年に恵比寿のAL Tokyoにて展示された「Little Match Girl :Ebisu ver.」が展示されました。なお、評論家の清水穣氏による本展についての論考『「不気味なもの」としての昭和、その終わらない回帰。東恩納裕一芸術』がICA京都に掲載されております。よろしければそちらもご一読ください。

会場は大阪のThe Third Gallery Aya。これまでは写真作家さんを扱うことが多いギャラリーだったそうですが、最近は現代美術の展示にも着手しはじめたとのこと。また、ギャラリーの近くには国立国際美術館や最近オープンした大阪中之島美術館などがあり、本ギャラリーなどもあわせて美術をじっくりと楽しめるエリアになりつつあります。


東恩納裕一|HIGASHIONNA Yuichi “behind the drapes”

於:The Third Gallery Aya 大阪市西区江戸堀1-8-24 若狭ビル2F

期間:2023年11月25日(土)~12 月23日(土)



26 Oct, 2023

Movie of “YUKAWA MASAKI exhibition 2023”

A video of the exhibition Masaki Yukawa held at the Gallery Kobayashi in Ginza, Tokyo, in August 2023, is now available on Youtube. In this video, he talks about how he came to incorporate elements such as dots and lines into his recent work, which he has been working on for 30 years, the process of creating each piece, and his memories of Jan Dibbets, who trained him at the Art Academy in Germany.

Masaki Yukawa is an artist from Wakayama, Japan, who had been living and working in Wuppertal, Germany for a long time. Since 2010 he has been based in Japan and is currently based in Osaka. This year marks ten years since I began producing and showing footage of Yukawa’s annual exhibitions at the Gallery Kobayashi. The videos of Mr Yukawa’s exhibitions can be viewed at here.

[Exhibition Info]

date: 2023. 8.21 MON – 8.26 SAT


[Movie Info]

Music: “Slumping structure” by Ayumi Yoshioka

Directed by Yuichi Minamiguchi





会期:2023 年8月21日(月)― 8月26日(土)



音楽:吉岡亜由美「Slumping structure」



18 Jul, 2023

Live Performance of “Stain”

A video of the live performance on 3 July 2023 is now available. On that day, we performed live music play and visual performances of the song “Stain”.

“Stain” is a performance inspired by the painting technique of staining. Staining is a technique found in colour field paintings that flourished around 1960, and the works created using the staining technique are sometimes cool, and bring an organic sense of depth and floating to the canvas. In creating the visuals for this performance, I focused on the work of Helen Frankenthaler and Maurice Lewis, two artists whose colour field paintings I was particularly drawn to, and asked myself whether I could express them in a visual way.

[Event Info]

date: 3 July 3023

event: Code / Art / VJ Vol. 1

venue: Cafe Bar LIVRE

[Live Info]

Music: “Stain” by Ayumi Yoshioka

Visual: Yuichi Minamiguchi





日付:2023 年7月3日(月)

イベント名:Code / Art / VJ Vol. 1

会場:Cafe Bar LIVRE(明大前)


