Directed science movie “Locus of JICFuS”
The JICFuS (Joint Institute for Computational Fundamental Science) Movie introduces how physicists in the fields of particle, nuclear, space and planetary physics are using supercomputers to conduct simulation research. This time, as the culmination of the film, Dr Shoji Hashimoto, Director of the JICFuS, spoke about the relationship between physics and simulation.
This time we were also allowed to enter the inside of Japan’s largest accelerator, KEKB Ring, and had the opportunity to film the inside of the accelerator and its observation equipment. Both the accelerator and the measurement equipment were of an extraordinary scale. It is also one of the best ways to watch footages of supercomputers around Japan, including the latest supercomputer ‘Fugaku’. Please enjoy it.
[movie credits]
Navigator: Shoji Hashimoto, Director of JICFuS
Thanks to: KEK, Center for Planetary Science & RIKEN Center for Computational Science
Camera by Yuichi Minamiguchi & Motoki Kato
Music by Ayumi Yoshioka “Velodrome”
Directed by Yuichi Minamiguchi